Thursday, January 1, 2015

Well guys, it’s a new year!

As the year came to a close, we here at Friendly Rooster had a period of reflection over the last 365 days. What worked, what didn’t, what will the new year hold? All of those questions crossed our minds and while 2014 was amazing, we can’t help but believe 2015 will be even better! 

Trying new things served us well and we intend to keep the theme going next year. We plan to bring popup shops to different cities around the United States and need YOUR help deciding where! 

Another change will be the introduction of brands that have a charitable approach. Friendly Rooster currently has an initiative called Share Your Love of Shoes™ which you can read about here. In 2015, our aim is to partner with other shoes brands that fit within our vision:

  • developmentally appropriate 
  • charitable/philanthropic
  • unique

Friendly Rooster strives to be a company that stands for something and gives back in some form or fashion, so we are super excited! 

Do you want for us to bring a popup shop to your city? Do you have ideas/feedback for our year ahead? We want to hear them!